Democrat and Chronicle from Rochester, New York (2024)


lam.r. Jt reached up, and took the sun by bis. end stoired haTe Rl1 try the full power of VW- Th tint will ome when ttss American Chnrch will pray "I-11 its fa08 iovrard the west, and all the prairies inland cities will surrender to God end will pray with face toward the sea, ol the Islands end ships will beoorne Christian. Parents who have wayward sons will get down on their knees and (STi Lord, sand my boy home," and th'e boy in Canton shall pet right up from the gaming table and go down to the wharf to find out whichj ship starts first lor Amarica. Kot 0119 yet knows how to pray.

All hMn r-io t. Ar i ri rP of Pure CodLiver Gil.8!3 A Thoughtful Tanker, ISoston Transcript. 'It is queer, said the gentleman who told the story, 'how a man like that will sometimes da a thing thnt you would think none but the veriest blockhead would be guilty of. I remember the day well I suppose it was thirty years ago, at least when it happened, one summer day, in business hours, that everybody in the bank except Bolton and myself had gone out. All at once I remembered an important errand that had to be done.

I told Mr. Bolton about it, and asked to go out. 'Yes' said ho, 'go out and attend to it and I'll take care of the bank till you come back. I put on my hat and coat and sallied forth. It seems that I bad scarcely got out of sight when Bolton remembered a most important engagement that be himself had outside.

Things were primitive in Cambridge at that time, and he simply went and got his hat and started to leave the ban. He had got to the steps when he called to mind the iact he had left the safe unlocked. He went back and locked it and then it occurred to him that when I came in I ought to be able to get into the safe. So he put the key in a safe place, at the bottom of the waste basket, and covered it over with envelopes and scraps of paper. It was safe enough there, but bow was I to know where it was He got around that difficulty by setting the waste basket under my desk, and pinning a note on the desk, in plain sight.

The ho went out about bis business and when I came in I found, pinned there in plain sight, staring me in the face, a note that read 'John: You wiil find the key of the safe at the bottom of the waste basket. B. A ny chance thief who had come in at the unfastened door of the bank would have seen that sote, and, guided by it, could have opened the safe and carried off all he could lay his hands on. But Bolton was one of the most careful investors and financial advisors that ever lived in Cambridge or Boston. miles a minute.

The astronomer, (using his telescope for an Alpine stock, leaps from world-crag to world-crag, and finds no star standing still. The chamois hunter has to fly to catch bia firey, bu no' eo swift is his game as that which the scientist tries to shoot through the tower of obsorvatory. Like petrels mid-Atlantic, that seem to come from no shore, and be bound to no landing-place flying, flying so these great flocks of worlds rest not as they go wing and, wing age after age for ever and ever. The eagle bastes to its prey, but we shall In speed beat the eagles. You bare noticed the Telocity of the swift horse under whose feet the miles slip like a smooth ribbon, and as he passes, the four hoofs strike the earth in such quick beat your pulses take the same vibration.

But all these things are not swift in comparison with the motion of which I speak. The moon moves 54, 000 miles in a day. Yonder, Neptune flashes on 11, 000 miles in an hour. Yonder Slercury goes 109, 000 miles in en hour. So like the stars the Christian worker shall shine in swiftness of motion.

You hear now of father, or mother, or child sick 1, 000 miles away, and it yo two days to get to them. You hear of some case of suffering that demands your immediate attention, but it takes you an hour to get there. Oh, the joy when you shall, in fulfilment of the text, take starry speed, and be equal to 100, 000 miles an hour. Having on earth got used to Christian work, you will not quit when death strikes you. You will only take on mora Telocity.

There is a dying child in London, and its spirit must be taken up to God you are there in an instant to do it. There is a young man in. New York to bo arrested from going into that gate of sin you are there in an instant to arrest him. Whether with spring of foot or stroke of wing, or by the force of soma new law that shall hurl you to the spot where you would go, I know not but my text suggests velocity. All space open before you, with nothing to hinder you in mission of light, and love and jy, you shall shine in swiftness' of motion as the stars for ever and ever.

Again Christian workers, like the stars, shall shine in magnitude. The most illiterate man knows that these things in the sky, looking like gilt buttons, are great masses of matter. To weigh them, one would tbink that it would require scales with a piiiar hundreds of thousands of miles high, and chains hundreds of thousands of miles long, and at the bottom of the chains basins on either side hundreds of thousands of miles wide, and that then omnipotence alone could put the mountains into the scales and the hills into the balance. But puny man has been equal to the undertaking, and has set a little balance ou his geometry, and weighed world against worid. Yea, he has pulled out his measuring line, and announced that Herschel is thirty-six thousand miles in diameter, and Saturn seventy-nine thousand miles in dia UPREMB COURT COUNTY OF MONROE.

Rosiim Het.el against William rletzel snu others. I. the undersigned, dttlr srmolnted referee by or der of this court, dated ou the 8th day of May, 18X8, do hereby require each person not a party to the above entitled action, who on the said 8th day or May. 188, had lien on any undivided share or interest In the property hereinafter described, to appear before roe at Nos. 44, 4o, 4fi aud 47 Rochester German Insurance Rochester, N.

Y.i on or before the l1h day of July, 1888, to prove his Hon and the true amount due or to become due to hira hy reason thereof. The said proerty is described iu the complaint in this action os follows: All that tract or parcel of land situate In the city of Rochester, connty of Monroe, and state of ew oric being pari oi lot numoer nrteen u-ij in secuon 'C" in th Whitney tract, reference being had to a map of said hitney tract made by Silas Cornell, now on file in the clerk's office of the connty of Monroe, Said premises being situate on the corner of Jay and Kaxton streets iu said city, and are more particularly bounded and described as follows: Commencing at the eonthwest corner of Jay and Saxton' streets, thenca westerly along the south line of Jay street one hundred and four (104) feet; thence son tier Iv, parallel with the west line of Saxtou street, one hifiidred and two (lr2) feet and three inches; thence easterly, parallel with the east line of Jay street, one hundred and four (104) feet; theme northerly along the cast lino of Saxton street, one hundred and two (102) feet and three (3) inches, to the piace of beginning. Being part of the same premises conveyed to the said Matlnas Hetzel by John Williams and wife, by deed dated October 29, IKSi and recorded October liber 129 of deeds at page 40 in Monroe connty clerk's office. 1 irtd at Rochester, N. this day of May, 18S8.

1 H. B. HAIXOC't, Referee. SUPREME COURT. Cotnrrr or Orleans Fred P.

1) cox as executor of the last will and tes-tameut of Otis N. Wilcox, deceased, aganiQtWayua fc. Smith and Elizabeth Smith his wife, Charles IL Webster, Abram H. Bartlett as administrator, of George Lilkendie, deceased. Amanda Juergen Seebock, Gerd Seebock, IMetts Krich, Anna Adeibert Lilkendie, Johanna Diedrich Liikendie, Johanna Martin Lilkendio, Johanna Martin Conies, Metta Holtermann, Mctta Maria Ahrcns, Maria Sheldon, Mary Cripp, Caroline Dean, Snscha Burch, Martin L.

Winched. Hattie A. Webster, Fordyce O. Dean. Charles Lnra Foster, Mary Wood, Harriet M.

Eddy individually and as executrix, of Orauge A. Eddy, deceased. 'arah Ann M. Eddy, Mary L. Eddy, Hollev Cemetery Association, Sarah J.

White and Miranda Henderson. To the above named defendants: Y'ou are hereby summoned to answer the complaint in this action, and to serve a copy of your answ er on the plaintiff attorney within twenty cays after the service of this summons, exclusive of the day of service; and in case of your failure to appear or answer, judgment will be taken against yon by default for the relief demanded in the complaint. Trial to be held in Orleans county. Dated this 4th day of May. 1888.

HORACE J. TUTTLE. Plaintiff's Attornev, Office and P. O. addres3 No, 16 Duraud Block, Kocheeter, N.

To Joergcn Seebock. Krich, Anna Adeibert Lilkendie, Johanna Diedrich Lilkendie, Johanna Martin Lilkendie, Johanna Martin Cordes, Metta Holtermann, Metta Maria Ahrena, Mary CTipp. Caroline Dean, Suscha Burch, Wayne E. Smith and Elizabeth Smith and Martin L. Winchell: The foregoing summons is served upon you by publication, pursuant to an order of Hon.

Francis A. Maeomber, justice of the Supreme Court, dated the 22nd day of May, 188, and filed with the complaint, in the office of the clerk of the county of Orleans, in the village of Albion, N. Y. Dated, May 22, 18vS. HORACE J.

TUTTLE, Plaintiffs Attorney, No. 16 Durand Block, Rochester, N. Y. 1 rpHB PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK. 1 liy the Grace of God Free and Independent.

To John Cline, William Cline, Samuel Cline, Jerome B. Cline, Sarah A. Combs. Catharine Allen and Josephine Thompson, husband, widow, heirs at law aud next of kin of Johu A. Cline, send erecting: Whereas, Jerome B.

Cline. the executor named in a certain instrument in writing, bearing date liec. 9, 1884, purporting to be the last will and testament of John A. late of the city of Rochester, in said county of Monroe and state of New Y'ork, deceased, and relating to both real and personal estate, has lately made application to tlie Surrogate's Court of our county of Monroe i have said instrument proved and recorded as a will of personal aud real estate, yon and each of you are cited and required to appear before the surrogate of the county of Monroe, at his office, iu the city of Kochester. in said county of Monroe, New Y'ork, on the 24th day of July, 18s3, at 10 oclock in the forenoon of that day, then and there to attend the probate of said last wUl and testament.

And if any of the aforesaid persons are under the age of twenty-one years, they wiil piease take notice that they are required to appear by their general guardian, if they have one, and if they have none, that they appear and apply for the appointment of a special guardian, or in the event of their neglect, or fuilure to do so, a special guardian will be appointed by the surrogate to represent and act for them iu the proceedings for the probate of said will. in testimony whereof we nave caused the seal of the Surrogate's Court of the couuty of Monroe to be hereto affixed. Witness, L.S. Hon. J.

A. Adlington, Surrogate of said county, u.t. me euy ot rtocntster, this Ma day of June, in "the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighty -eight. E.E. MoCONNELL, Cierk Surrogate's Court.

John DRSMONO.Attorney for Executor, 83a Powers Block, Rochester, N. 1 THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF TvEW YORK, By the grace of God free and independent. TO Anna eter, Rochester, M. lheresa J-ranz, Rochester. N.

Y- and to Ant.honv Srhmfflte! if living, and to his heirs at law acd next of kin, if deceased, whose Eamee and places of residence are unknown and cannot after diligent search and inquiry be ascertained, heirs at law and next of kin, of Andrew Schmttdiel, eend greeting: whereas, 'lheresa Schmitdlel, the executrix named in a certaia instrument In writing, bearing date July 22, 1S52, purporting to be the last will ar.a testament or Andrew schmttdiel, lata of the city cf Rochester, in said county of Monroe and state of New York, deceased, and relatiug to both realand personal estate, has lately made application to the surrogate court oi our county oi Monroe, to cave said instrument proved and recorded as a will of personal and real estate, you and each of you are cited and -equired to appear before the surrogate of the county of Monroe, at his office in the city of Rochester in said county of IMonroe, New Y'ork. on tho day of June, ls-8, at ten o'clock in the forenoon of that day, then and there to atteud the probate of said last wiil and testament. And if any of the aforesaid persons are under the age of twenty -one years, they will please take notice that they are required to appear by their general guardian, if they have one, aud if they have uone, that they appear and apply for the appointment of a special guardian, or in the event of their neglect or failure to do so, a special guardian will bo appointed by the Surrogate to represent and act for them in the proceedings for the probate of said will. in testimony wnereoi we nave caused the seal of the surrogate's Court of the county o' Monroe, to be hereto affixed. Witness.

Hon. l.S.J.A. Adlington. Surrogate of said county, at the city of 11th day of May, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eighty-eight. 1 K.

E. MoCONNELL. Clerk Surrogate's Court. SUPREME COURT. COUNTY OP MOXROE, Elizabeth O.

Rock vs. James L. Rock. To the above named defendant Y'ou are hereby summoned to answer the complaint in this action, aud to serve a copy of your answer on the plaiutiflt's attorney -within twenty days after tho service of this summons, exclusive of the day of service; and in case of your failure to appear or answer, judgment will "be taken against you by default for the relief demanded in the complaint. Dated this 4th day of May, 1888.

ALV1N BLOCK. Plaintiff's Attorney. OCice, 309 Powers Block, Rochester, N. Y. To James L.

Rock: The foregoing summons Is served upon you by publication, pursuant to an order of Hon. juo. S. Morgan, county judge of Monroe county, dated the 15th day of May, 188, and filed with the complaint iu the office of the clerk of Monroe countv at Rochester, IN. Y.

ALVIN BLOCK, Plaintiff's Attorney, 309 Powers Block, Iioehester, N. Y. SUPREME COURT. Conrrr op Oblbahs Alvm Hulbert agU Thomas ri. Keojjh, To the above named defendant: Y'ou are hereby summoned to answer tha complaint in thie action, and to serve a copy of your auswer on the plaintiff's attorney within twenty days after the service of this summons, exclusive of the day of service: and in case of vour failure to appear or answer, judgment will be taken against you by default for the relief demanded in the complaint.

'i rial to be held in the county of Orleans. Dated this Soth day of April, 1888. K. A- NfASH, Plaintiff's attorney. Office, Avon.

To Thomas B. Keogh: The foregoing autnmocs is served upon you by r'Uhlication, pursuant to an order of Hon. iliiam tuiusey, dated the 6th dav of June, 188, and filed with the complaint in the office of the clerk of Orleans county, at Albion, N. Y'. I K.

A. XA8H, Plaintiff's Attorney. VTOTICK TO CREDITORS. Pursuant to an order JL of Hon. J.

A. Adlington, Surrogate of tne county of Monroe.notice is hereby given.Taccording to law, to all persons having clutios'-or demands agaiui't Edward Bush, late of the town of l'arma, county of Mouroe, state of New ork, deceased, to present the same with the vouchers thereof, to the uudersigned, executor of the will of said deceased, at his plaee for the transaction of business as such executor, at his residence in Parma, Monroe county, N. on or before the 2J.rd day of July, 1888. Dated January 14. 1sn 1 WESLEY E.

HUSH, Executor. -VTOTICE TO CREDITORS. -Pursuant to an order of Hon. J. A.

Adlington. surrogate of lue county of Mouroe, notice in hereby given according to law, to ad jiemniis having claims or demands against Ellen Lundey. late of thocity of Rochester, County of Monroe, state of New York dft-ceasod, to prvsenc tne name With tlin vouchers thereof, to the uudersigned, James Beahan. at his placo for the transaction of bustuess as sucn administrator, 843 West aveuue, Rochester MONROE COUNTY COURT. Philip Garbntt, plaintiff, agaiust John W.

Garbutl aud others, defendants. In puiuancc of a judgment and decree of foreclosure and sale, duly granted in the above entitled action, aud entered iu county clerk's omee, on the 3d day of May. tlie undersigned referee wiil sell at public auction at the front door of the court house, in the city of Rochester, on the 27th day of June, 1SN8, at 11 o'clock a. the premises described in said judgment and decree as follows, viz. All that certain piece or parcel of land situate in the northwest corner of lot number thirty-seven (37), in township number one (1) of the first range of townships west of the Genesee river.

In the town of Wheatland, beginning at the southeast corner of said parcel of land on the side of the highway, thence running north four and one half degrees east on the lines of JJonald Mann and William Garbutt twenty-five chains and ninety-three links thence north eighty-six degrees west niueteen chains and ninety links to Ephratm Finches east lii.e, thence south fonr and three-fourths degrees west on Finches east line twenty-five chains and ninety-three links, thence south eighty-five and one-half degrees east nineteen chains and ninety links to the place of beginning, containing fifty-one and six-tenths acres of land, excepting ten and a half acres sold to Feter Mann off the south end and leaving forty-one and one-tenth acres, and also excepting 24r-lt)( of an acre sold to the Rochester Jt Pittsburg Railroad Company.and more particularly described iu a deed recorded in Monroe County Clerks office in Liber 3iW of Deeds at page. 107, being a strip of land oif the northerly corner of nam lanauoreei wiae aim inz reet in lengtn. GtOliGE It LOSE Y. Referee. F.

M. P.otttm. FhiiiitiUs Attoruev. ill and 25 Trust Building, Rochester. N.

Y. 1 THE.PEOFLE OF TIIE STATE OF NEW YORK, by the Grace of God Free and IndcDCndent. To Fanny Heath, Anne Douglass, William A. Gunn. as executor, of Jane Heath, Mary A.

Knuter, as administratrix, Ac. orMary Eliza Cassady.Mrs. Hizabeth Boice. Mrs. Emma Armstrong, Mrs.

Marv K.Gates, Mae E.tates, George F.Gates, Wiiliam H. Gates, Lucia B. McKinney. Harv-y II. Gates.

George A.Gates, George A.Gilmore, Mrs, Edmund HcKiuney, Isabel May Gilmore.Minnie A. Gilmore, Grace Chase, Archibald Chase, iliizabeth O. Shaw, Henry E. Gates, Hartley B. Gates, Ann Eliza Hall, Edgar A.

Dow, Francis i. Brown. George B. Brown, Mary Brown E. Strong, alia E.

Case; Anna Powelson. Georgianna Ayott, Wil-helnvna Chestnut, Caroline A. Mnith. Alida E. Keates, Frank W.

Kobow, Mary E. Kobow, Unstav F. Kobow. Alfred Wright and Chariea McD. Cameron, the legatees, next of kin, heirs at law, creditors and persons interested in the estate of Frances G.

Armstrong, late of the city of Rochester, in the county of Monroe, deceased, greeting: Yon are hereby cited and required to SDtear before otir Surrogate of the connty of IMonroe, in the Surro gate Court, on the sloth day of July, 1888, at ten clock in the forenoon of that day, at "the Surrogate's cilice in he city of Rochester.then aud there to attend tne juuiciai settlement of the accounts of John E. Dm and, as the executor of the last will of said deceased. Aud if any of the aforesaid persons are under the age of twenty-one years, they will please take notice that they are required to appear by their general guardian, if they have one, and if they have none, that they appear and apply for the appointment of a special guardian, or in tiie event of their neglect or iauure to uo so, a special guardian win be appointed by the Snrrogate to represent and act for them in the proceedings for the settlement of said estate. lu testimony whereof, we have caused the seal of the Surrogate's Court of the county of Monroe, to he hereto affixed. Witness, Hon.

S. J. A. Adlintrton. Surrogate of said countv, at the city of Rochester, this 1 th dav of une.

in tne year of our Lord, one thousand eight hundred and eighty-eight, 1 E.E.McCONNELL. Clerk Surrogate's Court. 1HE PEOPLE OF TIIE STATE OF NEW YOR 1 by tne Grace or God free and mdeDendent. To Joseph Keller, residing at Rochester, N. Jos eph Kaufman, residing at Rochester, N.

1.: August Kantmau. residing at Rochester, N. Nicholas Kaufman, residing at Rochester. N. but tem porarily at Berlin, Germany; Mary Bradley, resid ing at Rochester, N.

Peter Keller, residing at iioenesrer, jacoo Keller, residing at Koch-ester. N. husband, heirs at law and next of kin aud tsicnoias Knutman.oi George G. Carroll, of Rochester, N. Jouas Joucs, of jtocnester, joun lsner, or rocnester, IS.

ana George oi itoenesxer, creditors and all other persons creditors generally of Veronica Keller, iate of the city of tne county oi juouroe, aeceasea, ureetiug: You are hereby cited ana required to appear be- iore our surrogate or our county or Mouroo, in our Surrogate Court, ou tlie aotn day ot only, lbhi-S. at ten o'clock iu the forenoon of that dav, at the surrogate's office in the city of Rochester, then and tbere to show cause why a decree should not be made directing the disposition oy mortgage, sale or lease of the decedent real property or interest in real property, or so mnch thereof as may be necessary for the payment of all her debts aud funeral expenses by mortgage, lease or sale, at public or private sale. In testimony whereof, we have caused the seal of oitice of our said'Sorrogate to be hereunto alTlxed. Witness. Joseoh A.

Adltmrton. tx s. surrogate or tne said county, at Kocn- ester. tne iftn aay or jone, in tne year f' of our Lord oue thousand eight hundred aud eighty-eight. E.

E. cCON NELL, Clerk Snrrognte'slConrt Wm. E. WtHKun, Att'y for Petitiorer, Nos. 44, 45, 46 and 47 Rochester German Insurance Bldg, Roch ester, N.

Y. 1 AT A TERM OF THE SUPREME COURT OF Monroe County he'd at the Court House in the City of Rochester, N. Y. in aud for said County of Monroe on the 4th oay ot June. isv.

reseut Hon. Francis A. Maeomber, Justice of said Court. In tne matter of application ot "I he Abstract and Title Guarantee Company" to change its name to The Abstract Guarantee company." On reading and filing the petition of "The Abstract and. Titlo Guarantee Company" verified June 4tb, 1-8S, by its chief omcer, Robert lckes.

treasurer, and proof bv affidavit of due publication of notice of application for this order iu the proper newspapers: now on motion of Charles H. Wiltsie, attorney for said petitioner, no one appearing in opposition, and there being no reasonable objection hereto, it is ordered thatlhe name of ''The Abstract and Title Guarantee Company" be changed and said corporation is hereby authorized to change its said name therefrom, and to assume the corporate name lue Abstract Guarantee Companv on and alter July loth, Ordered further that this order be mbiished once' lu eacn week Tor roar weeks in uie tvochestar Democrat and Chronicle, a newspaper of Monroe Couuty aiAU lucis Lt i cierk. "VTOTICE TO CREDITORS. Pursuant to an or-der of Hon. J.

A. Adlington, surrogate of the county of Monroe, notice is hereby giveu, according to law, to all persons having claims or demands airainst James Cullen. late of the city of Rochester. county of Monroe, state of New Y'ork. deceased, to present the same wito.

the vouchers inereor, to the undersigned executor of the will of said decedent, as his place for the transaction of business as such executor, at the office of Ellsworth Grant, over sf78 East Main street, KocheBter, N. ou or before the 2uth dav of July, 1888. Dated January 13. 1888. 1 JOHN FOX, Executor.

"VTOTICE TO CREDITORS. Pursuant to 'an order of Hon. J. A. Adlington, Surrogate of the connty of Monroe, notice is hereby given, according to law, to all persons having claims or demands against Mark Slomati, late of the city of Rochester, county of Monroe, state of New Y'ork, deceased, to present the same ith the vouchers thereof, to the undersigned, executors of the will of said decedent, at their place for the transaction of business as such executors at the residence of Isaac M.

Sloman, No. 18U Court-st, Rochester, N. ou or before the 80th dav of July, 1S88. Dated, January IS, 1S88. ISAAC M.

SLOMAN and 1 SOLOMOil M. EENJAMI.1, "VTOTICE TO CREDITORS. Pursuant to an order of lion. J. A.

Adlington, surrogate of the county of Monroe, notice is hereby giveii, according to law, to all persons having claims or demands agaiust Freeman Clarke, late of the city of Rochester, county of Monroe, state of New Y'ork, deceased, to present the same, with tlie vouchers thereof, to the undersigned administrators, at their piace for the transaction of business as such administrators, at No. 63 North Water N. on or before the 8th day of August, loSa, Dated, Rochester, N. Feb'y. 1888.

L. W. CLARKE, F. D. W.

CLARKE, VAdm'ra. 1 GEO. U. CLAKK.E, "VOTICE TO CREDITORS. Pursuant to an or- i.

der of Hon. J. A. Adlington, surrogate of the county of Monroe, notice is herehy given, according to law, to all persons having claims or demand! against Bernard Nies, late of the town of Gates, county of Monroe, state of New Y'ork, deceased, to present the same with the vouchers thereof, to the undersigned, administrator of the estate of said deceased, nt his place for the transaction of business as sucn administrator, at his resideuce, in s. Greece, jn.

on or neiore tue rota oay oi lboo. Dated March 2it, lsd. 1 DAVID AUCHTER, Administrator. A.TOT1CIS TO CREDITOR. fnrsuant to an order of Hou.

J. A. Aiiliugtou, Surrogate of tue County of Monroe, notice is Tiereby given, according to law. to ail rtersons having claims or rl mands against Hiiinda V. Perkins, late of the city of Kochester.

I ounty oi Monroe, ntsteoi new 1 ork, de ceased, to present tho same with the vouchers there of, to the undersigned, Alfred A. Cox, executor of the will of said deceased, at his place for the transae tion of business as such. ui his ollite in Geur-seo. Livingston county, York, on or before the itnh day of Octooer. 1-S8.

Dated, Ueoeseo, N. April 14. 188. 1 A. A.

COX, Executor. "VTOTICE TO CREDITORS. Pursuant to an or-ij der of Hon. J. A.

Adlington, surrogate of the couuty of Monroe, notice is hereby given, according to law, to ail persons having claims or demands against Elizabeth Thompson, late of the city of Roches ter, county of Monro, stute of ork. deceased to present the same with the vouchers thereof, to tho undersigned, administratrix with tlie will auiu-xdu st her place for the transaction or i business as such ailminietiutrix, at No. SJ5o Lyeil avnuue. In the city of or peiuro tue nam day of Jiiue, Dated November 25, 1W. ilAiilUET THOMPSON, Administratrix.

rpHE PEOPLK OF THE RTATK OF NEW YORU A To all persons interested in the estate igi'4 by Benjamin Fellows to Alfred Horton, for th-j ben-elit of creditors, creditors or others ise: Y'ou and em of you are hereby it'-d and required to apjiear in the Monroe countv court, at tli hio. lx of the Judge thereof. In the city of H-ester, said county, on the 1th dsy of June, st ten o'clock iu the forenoou of tliat dsy, to ttbow cause why a rettiement of the account of proceed. ing of Alfred II or tun as geiioral of Pie Benjamin Fellows should not be had. and if no cau be shown to attend a tettlemeur of such account.

Witness, Hon. John 8. Morgan, ji.dge of seal said court, and the seal of Said court, the 30th day of April, MACRTCE LEYDEN, Clerk. Davt A Batt, Attorneys for assignee, Nos. and 8 East bide Savings Bank Building, Rochester K.

Y. To B. D. Real, George Banc's. Mm.

Ann Brodie, Daniel Widener. Mathear nsmblv-Louisa Fallows, Doritha A. Brown. William VV. Tenny, Georgo B.

Boyc, Jeremiah 8. Coy, A. Andrews, Charles H. Moshier and Benjamin Fellows, of the town of Chili, Monroe county, Daniel A. Stewart, T.

K. Sanders. Mrs. Elizabeth Marnhall, Samne! JlcConkey, Herman Dcxtur, illiam Keyes. W.

A T. IlufTcrty, 8. Honart Dorr, F. Oalustut snd Isabellas s.twart of the town of VVbeM. land.

Monroe connty. N. Willism Sasfe. Amsdrn Brothers, lora M. Linens, Esther fctnens.

Flour City National Bank, gelden 8. Brown as executor, tc. of David Ktarkey, and James W. Fry of the city of lioehesk-r, Monroe county, N. Lydia A.

Martin find Charles E. Martin as executor, Ac of jianiJ Hart of the town of Henrietta, Monroe coulir, N. Willard 8. Way of the town of Kweden. Monroe county, N.

Farmers Bank of lAtavin; Catherine L. Davis, Bergen. N. Edwin Whipple, Spencerport, N. and the Walton fc Whain Company, of Wilmington.

Delaware. Take notice that the foregoing citation is served upon yon by publication pursuant to an order of Hon. John 8. Morgan, county jndgp of Monroe connty. dated the 27th day of April, and filed In Monroe county clerk's office.

Davt Davt, Attorneys for Assignee. Nos. 1, 2 and 3 East Side bavmgs Bank Bniiding, Rochester, N. Y. COUNTY COURT.

MONROE the matter of the petition of Mury A Sumuiers to have two mortgages discharged of" record. At a term of the Monroe county court, held at the city of Rochester, N. on the 12lh day of Jona, 188,8. Present -Hon. Win.

E. Werner, special county jtidae. On reading and filing the potition of Mary A. Pnmmcrs, verified June la, l-i, praying that two mortgages, one exern'ed by Georg Minui" to John B. Dewey, dated the bth day of September, 1810, and recorded in the office of the clerk of Monroe connty, on the same day, in liber -J7 of mortgages at ipe 53-2, and the other executed by George Minnis and Mary Minn is to George A.

Avery and Era-mus D. Smith, dated December 4, 1841. and recorded in the office of the clerk of Monroe county December ti, 141, in liner 30 of mortgages at pago and botu of which said mortgages were duly assigned by endorsem*nt thereon but not acknowledged so a to entitle the same to be recorded, to Johu F. Phillips, upon premises situate in said conuty of Monroe, may be discharged of rec rd; and on motion of John H. Hopkins, attorney for said petitioner, it is OKDKKhl).

1'hat all persons interested show cauw; at a special term of tins court to be hold at chambers at tne court house, iii the city of Rochester, N. on the day of July, 1-8-i, at 10 o'clock a.m., why the said mortgages should not be discharged of record. It is further ordered that this order be published in the Rochester Democrat and Chrotiicle.a new--paier published in the coun-y of Monroe, once in each week for three weeks successively. Jouu H. Hopkins, Petitioner's Attorney, Co Reynolds Arcade, Rochester, N.

i COUNTY COURT. COUNTY OF MONROE The East Side Savings Bank Km tie-ter. Plaintiff, against Elizabeth btevens, A. Stevens and others, defendants. iu pursuance of a judgment and decree of foro.

closure and sale, duly grant -d in the above entitled action on the i'tth day of October, and entered in Monroe county clerk's office on Hie slu*t day of tctober, 18ti, the undersigned referee appointed by said judgment, ill si ll at public auction tha front steps of the court house in the city of Itoches-ter, Mouroe county, N. on the 2nd day of Julv, liv--8, at Id o'clock in the forenoon of that oay, tuo premises described in said judgment aud decree as follows, to wit: All that tract or parcel of land sitnafe In the cify of Rochester, county of Monroe and state of New ork, being part of lots fifty-eight and tifty nine township No. range i. and as the part of lots numbers and flown upon a map of a sub-division of snid lot and moe by James Si. Bruff and filed in the oifice of the rierk of Monroe county, in Litter 1 of maps at picTe ('tl the corner of University avnnm nn.l St rsthalieu 1'ark.

being one hundred snd five it't'n feel front on Culvers' ty avenue, and oue hiii'dred and fiv (P'51 feet in tho rear, and one hundred and sixty tltio; feet dee). Dated Rochester, J'tne AI.l'illlT IL ARRIS. Referee. Davt Davt. Pianit nJ v.

ttorieys. Nos. 1. 2 and 3 East bide Savings Lank Building, Rochester, N. Y.

13 UPREME COURT. Mo'nroc Coitwtt. Frank S. Lcseritz, plaintiff, against Jacob Geisiuar. et defendants.

In pursuance of judgment of foreclosure and sale, made nnd entered iu the above eutined action the 1st day of 1SS.S. the coders gited Referee will sell at public auction at the front steps of the Court House, in the city of Rochester, on the 8-jh day of June. 1888, at ten o'clock iu tho forenoon the following described premi-es: All that tract or paicei of laud in the city of Rochester, County of Monroe, and State of Nt-w ork, being a sub division of the soma part of lot forty-four t4tt formerly town of ITidrqiioit now city of Rochester, surveyed by H.Jones eurvevor, and laid out into lots for the Snint Joseph lii'niisa Roman Catholic Orphan Asylum society, map iu Monroe County clerk's office, and being on said lot No. forty-three Said lot is situated and fronting on the south sido of Bernard street, being feet front and extending back of equal width one hundred and thirtv-six (13b) feet to North alley. Dated Jane 4.

L. P. IRC Referee. Y'eomau, Attorneys for Plaintiff, Nos. 52, 5-i and 64 Roch.

Ger. Ins." Building, Rochester, N. Y. 13 MONROE COUNTY' COURT. Hiram F.

Palmer, iJaiutiXE, vs. Catherine Furby, et al deleud- auts. In pursuance of a judgment of foreclosure and sale made and entered iu the above entitled at'iion, hear iug date the yth day of l-d, tho tindei signed, referee in said judgment named, will sc! at public auction, at the front steps of the conii house, in the city of Rochester, on Uie 1st day of June. at eleven o'clock in the foreuoou, tha following described premises: All that tract or parcel of land situate In the c'ty of itocnester, county ot Monroe and stute of New York, now and distinguished as pru of lots Nos. and 15 in the Thurber tract, situated on the corner of Atkinson aud l'rosrt streets, beinir et-'htv-six and tw4il feet front on l'rospet street, and extending westerly on Atkiusou street of the sanio width seventy 7i) feet, reference beuij; had to bii Cornell's map of said Thurber tract.

Dated May 'J. 1 ksjs. CH ARLES I. MrDOWEI.L, Referee. i riaiutitl's M.iS Roch.

Ger. Ins. Rochester, N. Y. 13 SUPREME COURT.

Cofvtt or Spahr agst Charles I. I eiler, Elizabeth Pfeffcr fct al. In pursuance snd by virtue of a decree of foreclosure and sale, granted in the above entitld action, at a special term of the Supreme Court hwd at the Court Bouse iu the ci'v of Rochester, N. on the 1Mb day of June, 1888, Hon. Wm.

Rumser justice presiding, and duly entered in Monroe county Clerk's office. undersigned sheriff a referee, -pointed by said judgment for that purpose, wnl sell at public uticttou, to the highest bidder, on the front steps of the Court House, in the city of Rochester, N. on the 17th day of July, 18S8. at 1J o'clock in the forenoon of that day, the undivided one-baif interest of tho premises and real estate mentioned in said judgment and therein described as follows: The undivided one-half interest of, in and to all that tract or ptrcel of land sitnate In the city of of Monroe and state cf New Y'ork, being the east half part of lot number twenty ('-!) section 'A' of the Whitney trsct, situate on street, and bounded westerly on land of Joseph. Mater, reference being had to a mnp and survey of said tract in the office of the clerk of Mouroe couuty.

Dated June 15, lSstf. THOMAS C. HODGSON, 8herill as Referee. Wm. WbrSkr, rialntifTs attorney, Nos.

44. 4S, 46 aud 47 Rochester German Insurance B.d,., Koca-ester, N. J'1 SUPREME CO CRT. Sereno F.King ag'stChana cey H. Bascom, Johu K.

fetraucaen and be-iuour King. By virtue of a judgment of foreclosure and made iu the above entitled action on the first of June, lf88, the subscriber, a referee for that par-pose duty appointed, will sell at the front step the Court House in the citv of Rochester, -on the a.thday of Jnue, 1888, at twelvs oc'k noon, of that day. tiie real estate and wortpgea premises directed by said judgment to be srM therein described as follows: All that trat or parcel of land gitust in tn City oi Rochester, Countv of Mouroe, N. twenty -seven tsfTi in the Wakele farm as on a map of said farm made for the 14th ard Building Lot Co-operative Association, on lbs jaouroa Couuty Clerk office. cim.TJT Dated uue 2, laoa.

IL H. Slit A l. Jit' I IS rev. 1rrt Jb Tekht, VUIntitri Attorney byncaM, sti -ri miMYiTAp to an or i der of Hon. J.

A. Adlington, surrogate of ths county of Monroe, notice is berefy given, atioruo. living claims or demand agaiust l-a H.llit;u.-art Uu. of he town of hi 1, county of Monroe, state of New ork, dtfd, ta present tho sama with tho vouchers thereof, to IM undersigned exocub of ths last will and testmenj of said decedent, at his place for the tranwr iiU business as such executor, at hi residence in town of Wheatland. Monroe county, ur before tbo 1st day of lvcember, lS-t4.

Dated TiTi COI7HTY COURT. Monroe Cocntt. Julia Thacther, plaiutift, vs. Frank Groli and others, defendants. Hy virtue of an interlocutory judirment of partition and sale made in the above entitled action, on the 13th day of June, 18S8, and entered in the Monroe connty clerk's oflice on tne Hih day of June, lNvt the subscriber, a Referee for that purpose du'y appointed, will sell at the front steps of tlm Court house, iu the city of Rochester, N.

on the 10th day of Jnly, 1BX, 1ft o'clock in the forenoon of that day, the reai property directed by said judgment to be sold, and therein described as follows: All that tract or parcel of land situate in the city of Rochester.conntv of Monroe and state of New York btin? lot cumber fonr (4) and uine (H) feet off the west part of lot number five (5), beintr in all forty-eitjht feet in width fronting on the north side of Franklin street, and running back of equal width the entire lencrth of said lots, including the right, title and interest in common with other of a private alley fifteen (15 feet in width in rear, and adjoining the premises hereby conveyed according as laid down upon a map of sub-division of lots numbers ek'lity-eix, eighty-seven and eighty-eight l6, HI and 8-y In the Andrews Atwater tract, made for J. Weirman, J. Shutte and J.Oroh, by F.J. M. Cornell, sur.eyor.

Match 12,19, to which said map reference i hud for a more particular description of the premises hereby conveyed. Behiir the saiiie premises convrvrd by Mary tor, widow or Lome tox. to John rim, by deed dated June 187, and recorded in Monroe county clerk's office in liber 213 of deeds at page 2w; excepting, however, and always reserving therefrom that part of said premises conveyed by John fcroh and wife to Magdalena Heiiman by deed dated Juno 11, lvSti, And recorded in. IMonroe county clerk's office in liber of deeds at page 149. and described as oemg pun oi jot mimuer ionr ej auu nine (M) feetofl tho west part of lot number five Co), being in all forty -eight (4.S; feet in width fronting on the north side of Franklin street, and running back of equal width seventy (70) feet.

Also, att mat otner tract or parcel or land situate in said city of Rochester, known and distinguished as lot number three (3, upou a map of a sub-division of lots numbers eighty-six, eighty-seven and eighty- eight (so, ei, ana tea tne Andrews and Atwater tract in the city of Rochester, made by F. J. Al. Cornell, city snrveyor, for John Wegman, J. Shutte antl J.

Groh, March 12, 1859; said lot number fhree (3) beinsr forty (40) feet front on the north side of Franklin street, and running back of equal width to a private alley fifteen (lo) feet wide according as laid down upon said map; being the same premises conveyed by John Wegman and wife to John Groh by deed dated August 81. 1866, snd recorded in Monroe county clerk's office in liber 15S of deeds at page 617. Dated Rochester, N. June 1-tth, 1SSS. 1 EDWARD W.

MAURER, Referee. Daw Daw, Plaintiff's attorneys, Nos. 1, 3 3 East Side Savings Bauk Building, Rochester, N. Y. "VTOTICE TO CREDITORS.

Pursnant to an or-der of Hon. J. A. Adlington, Surrogate of the county of Monroe, notice is hereby given, according to law, to all persons having claims or demands airainst Elizabeth Nieser, late of the city of Rochester, county of IMonroe, state of New York, deceased, to present the same with the vouchers thereof, to the undersigned, executrix of the will of said deceased, at her place for the transaction of business as such executrix, at the residence of John Stephanyj No. 31 Sellinger street, Rochester, N.

on or bo-fore the 1st day of August, 18s8. Dated, January 25, lss8, 1 ANNA MARIA TETJTSCH, Executrix. -VVOTICE TO CREDITORS. Pursuant to an order of the surrogate of the county of Monroe, notice is hereby given, according to law, to ail ersons having claims or demands against Sarah P. iungerford, late of the citv of Rochester, county of Monroe, stute of New York, deceased, to present the same with the vouchers thereof, to the undersigned, at his place for the transaction of business as such.

Room 4, 81 State street, kocheeter, N. on or before the 1st day of Jnly, ISSb. Dated Decern ber S7, 1S7. JAMKS L. ANGLE, as Executor of 1 Sarah P.

Hungerford. "VTOTICE TO CREDITORS. Pursnant to an or-i der of Hon. Joseph A. Adlington, surroeate of the county of Monroe, notice is hereby given, according to law, to all persons having claims or demands against Carrie H.

Stillweil, late of the city of Rochester, county of Monroe, state of New York, deceased, to present the same with the vouchers thereof, to the undersiimed. the executor, of said Carrie H. Stillweil, deceased, at his place for the transaction of business as such executor, at Nos. 61 and (i German Insurance Building, Rochester, N. on or before the 15th day of December, 1SS8.

Dated Alay 16. 1883. 1 RICHARD E. WHITE, As executor, of Carrie H. Stillweil, dee'd.

"VTOTICE TO CREDITORS. Imrsuant to an or-der of Hon. J. A. Adlington.

Surrogate of the County of ilouroe, notice is hereby given, according to law, so all persons having claims or demands against John Scbauer. late of ths city of Rochester, county of Monroe, state of New York, deceased, to present tiie same with the vouchers thereof, to the undersigned. Frederick Moll, ex'r, at his place for the transaction of business as such executor, at No.SW) Powers Block, on or before the3'Jtn dayofjulv. 1V-8. Dated January 1888.

1 FREDERICK MOLL, Executor. "VTOTICE TO CREDITORS. Pursuant to an order of Hon. Joseph A. Adlington, Surrogate of the County of IMonroe, notice is hereby given, according to law, to ail persons having claims or demands against Edward S.

Brown, late of the town of Gates, county of Monroe, state of New York, deceased, to present the same, with the vouchers thereof, to the undersigned, as executor tSrc, ot said Edward S. Brown, dec at his place for the transaction of business as such executor, at No. (52 German Insurance Buiiding, Rochester. f. on or before the Soili dayof December, lssS.

Dated June 1S53. JERFMIATT SUIT FT, As Exerntor c. of Edward S. Brown, dee'd-Bentos White, Attorneys for Executor. 1 "VTOTICE TO CREDITORS.

Pursuant to an Jl order of Hon. Joseph A. Adlington, surroeate of the county of Monroe, notice Ls herebv given according to law to all persons having claims or demands against Mahila S. Coleman, late of the town of Parma, county of Monroe, state of New Y'ork. deceased, to present the same with the vouchers thereof to tho undersigned administrator of tiie estate of said deceased at his place for the transaction of business as such administrator at No.

17 Durand Block. Rxhester, New York, on or before the twenty-ninth day of November, laxi. Dated May 2J. labs. 1 ABDIEL M.

CARPENTER, Administrator. "VTOTICE TO CREDITORS. Pursuant to an order of Hon. J. A.

Adlington, surrogate of the county of Monroe notice is hereby given, according to law. to all persons having claims or demands against Laura E. ebster, late of tne town of Parma, county of Monroe, state of New York, deceased, to Dresent the same with the vouch ers thereof, to the undersigned, executor of the will of said deceased, at his place for the transaction of business as such the residence of Charles Brigham, Spencerport, N. on or before the 13th dav of September, Dated March 6, 18-58. 1 FRANK 31.

WEBSTER, Executor, VT OTICK TO CREDITORS. In Pursuance of an order of Hon. J. A. Adlington, Surrogate of the Comity of Monroe, granted and entered this day, notice is hereby given to all persons having claims against Andrew Montgomery, late of the city of Rochester, N.

Y. deceased, to present the same with the vouchers thereof, to the subscriber at his place of business. No. 2o Monroe Avenue, in said city, ou or before the day of August 188. Dated Rochester, N.

Y. February 21st, ls8. R. B. MONTGOMERY, Administrator.

Milton Notes, Attorney for Administrator. 1 XT OTICE TO CREDITORS. Pursuant to an or der of Hon. Joseph A. Adlington, surrogate of the county of Monroe, notice is hereby given to law, to all persons having claims or demands against Catharine E.

Fritz, lata of the city of Rochester, county of Monroe, state of New York, de ceased, to present the same with the vouchers thereof, to tne undersigned John executor of Catharine E. Fritz, dee'd, at his place for the transaction or business as sucn executor, at rios. '44, 45, 46 and 47 Rochester German Insurance Co. on or before the 24th day of December, ISSd Dated June 20, IShH. JOHN KLINGLKR.

Executor. Wif. E. Werner, Att'y for Hoe. 44.

4ft, 4ti and 47 Koch. Ger. Ins. Co. Bid KocueBter, JN.

x. 1 TS PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER MADE BY I Hon. Wm. E. Werner, special county judge of Monroe county, ou the 2d day of May, l-t, notice is herebv given to all the creditors and persons having claims against Robert A.

Murdock, lately doing business in the city of Rochester. N. Y. that they are requested to present their claims with the vouchers therefor, duly verified, to the subscriber, the duly appointed assignee of the said Robert A. Mnrdock, for the benefit of his creditors, at his office for the transaction of such business.

Nos. 211 and 212 Ellwanger Barry Building, in the city of Rochester, in, ou or Deiore uie mat oay oi juty, Dated Rochester, Mav 7, 18SS. Jah. m. E.

O'GRADY, Assignee. J. C. Attorney. 1 "VTOTICE TO CREDITORS.

Pursuant to an or IN der of Hon. J. A. Adlington, Surrogate of the county oi iionroe, notice la nereDv given, accoraing to law, to all persona having claims or demands against Gottlieb Steiuer, late of the town of Riga, county of Monroe, state of New York, deceased, to preoeilt the same with the vouchers thereof, to the undersigned, admini-trator of said Gottlieb Sterner, at his plac- for the transaction 'of business as such, la rowers mock, at the city of Rochester, Si. i on or Deiore me ttn oay oi August, lead.

Dated, January 31, lsS. SAMUEL STEINER. Adm'r. Moboah Fbemch Ally's for Adm'r, Rochester, K. 1 "VTOTICE TO CREDITORS Pumuant to an or- iNL ur of Hon.

J. A. Adlington. Surrogate of tbe couutyor iuonroe, notice is hereby given, ac cording to law, to au persons tiavmg ctainia or de niamts against Ellen Levis, late of the city of Rochester, t. county or ana rotate of New York, deceased, to present the ftame with the vououers thereof, to the undersi-jiiwl.

the ad ir.inlstrutor of, AC, of eaid Klleu Levis, at, bia place f.r the transaction of business as such ad uonlstnitor at no. oa itej uoids Arcade, tn the city of Unciies or, N. ou or before the lotu day of September. iv. DattMl March 6.

1S83. 1 JOSEPH LEVIS, Administrator, Pmf 1 t- I ta It Its lhm4 Ti rlCOMPnUMn 5YRHP of fessHYPGFHOSPHITES issoda) JV3i your iJruKs-vt Jt. itrs.e uu nr. J. A.

MAC EE Lawrence, Alans. ioronio, Canada, LEGAL NOTICES. "VTOTICETO CREDITORS. -Pursuant to an or 1 lj tier of Hon. J.

A. Adlington, Surrogate of the County of Monroe, notice is hereby eiven, according to law, to all persons having claims or demands asrainst James Campbell, lat of the city of Rochester, County of Monroe. State of New York, deceased, to present the sanio with the vouchers thereof, to the undersigned, executors of the. will of said deceased, at their plaea for the transaction of business as such executors, at the place of business of irackett H. Clark.

No. 101 IS. N. on or before the 15th day of August, 1SSS. Dated February 6.


"VTOTICE TO CEEBITORS. PursuaDT to an order of Hon J.A.AdJinuton. surrojiiite of the county of Monroe, notice is hereby given, according to law, to all persons having claims or "demands against I.anrsP. Smith, late of the city of Rochester, county of 5ton-roe, state of New York, deceased, to present the earns Willi the vouchers thereof to the undersigned executors under the will of said deceased, at their place for the transaction of business as such executors, at No. 11 West Main street, Rochester.

Monroe county. N. on or before the 1st day of Aujjuet, less. Dated January 25, 1SS8. HENRY N.

PAGE, LEVI F. WARl, 1 Executors. TOTICE TO CREDITORS. Pursnant to an or-i der of Hon. J.

A. Adiintrton, Surrogate of the county of IMonroe, notice is hereby given, according to law. to all persona having claims or demand against James Wilson, late of the city of Rochester, county of Monroe, state of New York, deceased, to present the same with the vouchers thereof, to the itr.aerslfjnea, executor or tne last win oi saia james Wilson, at his nlace for the transaction of business as such executor at the Rochester Savings Bank in the city of Rochester, N. before the 10th day of September, lss. Dated, ilarcn iw.

CHARLES F. POXD, Executor. -VTOTICE TO CREDITORS. Pursuant to an order ii of Hon. J.

A. Adlim.on. Surrogate of the County of Monroe, notice is herehy piveu, according to law to all oersous having claims or demands anainst Arm Elizabeth Riley, lato of the city of Rochester, county of Monroe, state of New to present the same with the vouchers thereof to the undersigned, the administratrix, etc. of said Ann Elizabeth Riley, at No. 55 Reynolds Arcade, in tcecityor Kociiester, ou or Deiore tiie ilia tiav of Aumist.

Dated February 1SS3. LOUISE STEWART RTLEY, 1 Administratrix; John Hopkins, Attorney for Administratrix. "VTOTICE TO CREDITORS. Pursuant to an or-i der of Hon. J.

A. Aulinifton. Surrogate of the county of Monroe, notice is hereby given, according to law. to aii persons having claims or demands against Phehe thetowia of Parma, County of luonroe. State of New iors, deceased, to present the same, with the vouchers thereof, to the ur.dersipned executor of the will of said Phehe Limbocker, at his place for the transaction of busi ness as such executor, at Jus residence in Isortn I'armi.

N. Y. on or before the 2-ltii day of September, 1S-8. CHAtLLES Eir NilK, Executor. Dated.

Starch 16. John Desmond. Attorney for Powers Biock, Rochester. IN.

Y. 1 "VTOTICE TO CREDITORS. Pursuant to an orde of J. A. Adlington, Surrogate of the county Monroe, notice is hereby given, according to law, to all persons having claims or demands ajraiust Ambrose C.

ReGDiaa, late of the city of Rochester, county of Monroe, state of New York, deceased, to present tie same with tne voncners thereof, to tne uudersigned.Ann Redman, sole executrix of said decedent's estate, at her plsc for the trausctiou of nnfineps as enen executrix, at No a sonn water street, Rochester, N. on or before the fourth day of Aiitrnst, Dated, Rochester. N. January CS, 1SRS. ANN REDMAN, Sole Executrix.

KmtB Palisbuhy, Attorneys for Executrix, Rochester, N. Y. 1 "VTOTICE TO CREDITORS. Pursuant to an or- i der of Hun. J.

A. Adlincrton. surrogate of the county of Monroe, notice is hereby driven, according to law. to ail i.ersous hsvinir claims or demands acEtst I rederick N. Binsrham, late of the city of Rochester, county of Monroe, state of New orit.

deceased to present the same with the vouchers thereof, to the undersigned, administrators of the estate of said decedent, at their place for the transaction of business as such administrator-1, at their residi -nee, in tie town of North DansviPe, Liv. i on or before tnts letii uay or Octooer, 1353. Dated Aprii 11, Itbi. EMILY P. FERINE, FRANCIS M.

I'EIUNB. 1 Administrators. TO CREDITORS. Pursuant to an iX order of ITon-l. A.

Adiiiurton. surrotrate of the county of Monroe, notice is hereby given, according to law, to all persons having claims or demands auainst SAlonzo r. McMaster, Sr. hue of the city of Rochester, county of Monroe, state of New York, deceased, to present the same with the vouchers therefor, to the undersigned, the executors of the last wiil. of said deceased, at tneir place for the transaction of business as such executor, at No.

till 1 owers block. on or before the 10th day of July, Dated December 33. 1M7. CHARLES SI. WTLLTATiIS, ALO.NZO D.

AIcMASTKR, 1 Executors, "VTOTICE TO CREDITORS. Pursuant to en or-der of Hon. J. A. Addngton, Surroeate of the County of Slouroe, notice is hereby given, according to law, to all persons having claims or demands againsi John w.

'ihomas, "late of the city of Rochester, county of IMonroe, state of New to present the same ith the vouchers thereof, to the undersigned executors of the last wiil and testament of said decedent, at their place for the transaction of business as such uto32 Caledonia Avenue, Rochester, N. on or befora the lith day of December, Dated June 1, 1SS3. ELIZABETH F. THOMAS. A.vd ilARTUA F.

THOMAS C. 51. Allkx, Attorney. "VTOTICE TO CREDITORS. Pursuant to an or-L der of Hon.

A. Adlington, Surrogate of trie cotiiity of Monroe, notice is hereby jriven according to law to all per-sons havtnir claims or demands against Conrad Ualitzdorfer, law of the town of (jates, county of Monroe and state of New York, deceased to present the same with the vouchers thei the undersigned Michael Galiiz-dorfer, as administrator with the wiil annexed, at his place for Uie transaction of business as sucti administrator, at Nos. 41, 45, 4ti and 47, tierman Insurance Company Building, on or be-for the 2ol oay of October, lisd. Dated April 11, i sss MICH AEL GALITZDORFETt, Administrator with ill annexed of Conrad Uolitz-dorfer. Wat.

E. Werner, Att'y for Adm'r. 1 "VTOTICE TO CREDITORS Pursuant to an or-i der of Hon. J. A.

Adlington, surrogate cf the county of Monroe, notice is hereby given, acco-ding to law, to ail persons having claims or demands against Syiverer P.Tripp, late of the town of l'arma, county of Monroe, sovte of New York, deceased, to present the same with the vouchers thereof, to the undersnrned, Oscar B. Wood and Kliy.itbeth P. Tripii, at lrl piace for thetransactiou of business as such at the law of Uuvy Davy, at No. id East Side Savings Hsnk Bniiding, Rochester, N. on or before the arst day of October, loss.

Dated ilarch 2s, lsii. OSCAR B. WOOD, and ELIZABETH P. Administrators. Davt A Daw, Attorneys for Administrators, Nos.

1, 8, and 3 Boat Side Savings Bank Building, Rochester. N. V. 1 "VTOTICE TO CREDITORS. Pursuant to an or- i of H'Ui.

Joseph A. A I'liugton, surrogate of the county of Monroe, 3'oti is hereny mrcord-ing to law. to ad p-rjotis claims or demandii Christina id man, late of the city Rochester, rmiuTy of Monroe, St-ite of New York, deceased, to present the same, wiih the vouchers thereof', to the undersigned John it. Kiefhaber, executor. tc, iirii'tlaa tViduiau, deceasd, at hi plinje for rue transaction of business as sueh Noj.

41, 45, 4ti Jfc 47 Rochester Insurance I 1'dg, ou before the J5lh iay of December l-r-S, Ihttod Jane 8. JOHN KIEFHABER, Executor, Vv'h. E. (Ckkneh, Att'y. for Executor, Nos.

44. 45 4B 47 ilochuoler German Ins. Bl'dg, Rochester, i k'. Coughs, Col tig, lyyspepsia, Scrofula and Gen-rral Iebility. Very fiisy to take, ltoesnot produm NfeiiaftA.

find i easily assimilated. ThouBatnis of riysieinos use it imd say it is BEST ERiULSi.OH IN THE we iiava uouo jo nd guessing and experimenting. A boy gate hold of. bis father's saw and hammer, aad tries to make omethiug, but it is a poor aCair that he makes. The father come and takes the same saw aad hammer and builds the house or the ship.

In the childhood of oar Christian faith we make but poor work with these weapons of prayer but when we come to the etature of men in Christ Jesus, then, under these implements tie temple of God will rise, and the world's redemption will be launched. God cares not for the length of our prayers, or the number of our prayers, or the beauty of our ravers, or the place cf our prayer but it is the faith in them that tells. Believing praver soars higher than the lark ever sang vi-unswa deeper than diving-ben ever saak oaioker than lightning ever flashed. Though we hsve usad only the back of this weapon instead of the edge, what marvels have been wrought If saved we are all the captives of some earnest prayer. Would God that, in the desire for the rescue of souls, we ni'.

J.i in prayer lay hold of the resources cf the Lord Omnipotent Wa may turn many to righteousness by Christian admonition. Do no6 wait until you can make a formal speech. Address the one next to you. You will not go home alone to-day. Between this and our place of stopping yon may decide the eternal destiny of an immortal spirit.

Just one sentence may do thi work. Just one Question. Just one look. The formal talk that begins with a sigh, and ends with a canting snuflle is not what is wanted, but the heartthrob of a man in dead earnest. There is not a soul on earth that you may not bring to God If you rightly go at It.

They said Gibraltar could not be taken. It is a rock, sixteen hundred feet high and tris iiiiies lonff. But the English and Dutch take it. Artillery, and sappers, and miners, and fleets pouring out volleys of death, and thousands of men, reckless of cancer can do anything. The stoutest heart of sin, though it be rock, and surrounded by an ocean of transgression, under Christian bombardment may be made to t'Oist the flag of redemption.

But is ail this admonition, and prayer, and Christian work for nothing! My text promises to all the aithfol eternal lustre. 'They that tira mauy to righteousness shall shine as A stars tor ever. As stars, the redeemed have a borrowed llht. V'tat makes Mars, and Venus, and Juciter so iiiuminousl When the sun throws down his torch in the heavens, the stars pick scattered brands, and hold them in pro cession as the queen of the nignt advances: c- ail Christian workers, standing around the throne, will shine in the light borrowed from the Sun of Righteousness Jesus in their faces, Jesus in their songs, Jesus in their trinmpb, Christ iett Heaven once for a tonr of redemption on earth, yet the glorified ones knew he would come back again. But let Him abdicate His throne, and go way to stay for ever, the mnsio would stop the congregation disperse; the temples of tiod be darkened the rivers of light stagnate; and every chariot would become a hearse, and every bell would toll, and there would not be room on the hillsides to bury the dead of the great for there would be rvestilnncft in Heaven.

But Jesus lives, and so do ail the redeemed live with Him. He shall recognize them as His comrades in earthly toil, and remember what tbey did for the honor of His kingdom. All their prayers, and tears, and work will rise before Him as He looks into their faces, and He will divide His kingdom with them His joy their joy. The glory of the central throne reiiected fromthe surrounding thrones, the lust spot cf sin struck Xrom the Christian orb, and the entire nature H-tretLble and a Cash with light, they shall shine as the stars for ever and ever. Again Christian workers shall be like the stars in the fact that they have a light independent of each other.

Look up at the night, and see each world show its distinct giory. It is not like the conflagration, in which you cannot tell where one ilame stops tad another begins. Neptune, Herschel and llercury are as distinct as if each oca of them were the only star so our individualism wiil not be lost in heaven. A great multitude yet each one as observable, as distinctly recognized, as greatly celebrated fci if in all the space, irotu gate to gate, and from hill to hill, he were the only inhabitant no mixing up no mob no indiscriminate rush each Christian worker standing out illustrious all the story of earthly achievement adhering to each one; his self-denials, and pains, and services, and victories published. Before ien went out to tha last war, the orators told them that they would all be remembered by tueir country, and there names be commemorated in poetry and iasong; but go to the graveyard in Richmond, and you will find there six thousand graves, over each one of which is the inscription, Unknown.

The world does cot remember Its heroes but there wiil be no unrecognized Christian worker in Heaven. Each one inown by all grandly known known by acclamation Ail the past story of work for Cod gleaiiiing ia cheek, and brow, ana foot, nd palm. They shad shine with distinct light as the stars, for ever and ever. Again Christian workers sita'1 shine like the stars la clusters. In looking up, you find the worlds family circles.

Brothers and sisters they take hold of each other's hands and dance in groups. Orion in a irroup. The Pleiades jn a group. The solar 73tem is ouly a company of children, with bright faces, gathered around one great fireplace. The worlds do cot strtggla oif.

They KO ic squadrons and fleets, sailing through iuimensity Bo Christian workers in heaven will dwell In aeiebborhooda and that some people I will like in Heaven a great cieal better than others. Yonder is constellation of stately Christians. They lived on arta by rigid rule. They never laughed. walked every hour lest they should lose their dignity.

But they loved God and yonder they shine in brilliant ccnstelialion. Yet I shall not long to get in that particular Eroup. Tender in constellation of Christiaaa asteroids in the eternal astronomy. While soma souls go up from Christian battle, and blaze like Mara, these asteroids dart a feeble ray like Vesta. Yon-lr a constellation of martyrs, of apostles, of patriarchs.

Our souls, as they go Hp to Heaven, wiil seek out the most congenial tocleiy. Yonder is a constellation almost merry with the play xt light. On aaria they were fall of aad aongs, and tears, and raptures, fend congratulations. Whey thy prayed their words took re when they sang, the tune ecnid not hold them when they wept over a world' woes, they sobbed as if iieart-fcroken when they worked for Christ they Caned with enthusiasm. Yon-they ar circle of light I constellation joy i gftlaiy of re 1 Oh.

that vou and I. by tiiat grace which can transform the worst laio the best, might at last sail in the wake that fieet, and wheel in that glorious group, ae the stan for ever and ever 1 Again Christian workers will shine like the sUrs in awiftness of motion. The worlds da not stop to shine. There are no ixei stars save as to relative position. The Ur most thorough? Sxed iiias thousand Bad Complexions Need Liquid Pearl, 50a.

The 75 ceuf size is cheapest. LAWS OK NEW YOKK-riy AnITlorttj-. Every law, unless a different time shall be nre-scrlbed tnerein. shell commence and take effect throughout the State, on and not before tne twentieth day after the dav of Its final passa(r, at oer-Tifid by the Secretary State. Sec it, title 4.

chap. 7, part 1, Be vised Statutes. chap. im. AX ACT to require public ofSeia's and other persons receivina and tiistiursine moneys of the people of the t-tite of IS'ew York, to deposit the same in solvent backs, and to require banks re ceiving such monev a on deposit to execute and give bonds as securiiy therefor.

Approved by the Governor May 18, 1883. Passed, tiiree-iifths beinsr present. People nf the State of Nrw York, represented iii t-rn tU and Aivemhln, uo eiuul foiUivx: fc-Kc-riON 1. All officials of the State of New Tork, an.i other persons receivins and disbursing tnnTivys belonging to the people or saul State for public purposes, shall be and are required to deposit and keep, all such moneys received by them, deposited to their official credit in some responsible bank, or banks or banking house, to be designated by the Comptroller of said state, until said mocevs shall be paid out and disbursed according to law. s' 2.

Every bank or bnnldne house that has received orshaU receive ou deposit any moneys be-loniuff to the ptropie of thy SfaT of New 02 shall, when so required to do by the Comptroller, execute, deli ver and tiie in The ofrree of the Comptroller of said t-tato at the city of Albany, a bond or undertaking to. the the" people of Siiid State, in such sura and v.ith such sufficient guarantee and sureties as snail be required and approved by said Comptroller, for the safe, keeping aud prompt payment upon lecal demand theretor, of all such moneys held by or on deposit in such bauk. with interest thereon upon dailv monthly balances, and at such rate as the said Comptroller shall lis and approve. 3. All bonds, undertakings, sruarantees aDl covenants or agreements of sureties, hereafter executed or Kiveu by or in behalf of any bank or banking house to the people of the Suite of New York, hail be approved as to form by the Attor-torney-Generai indorsed tne-reon or annexed thereto.

4. The foresoiim provisions of this act are in addition to and shall not be construed as in conflict with, or to change, any special or general laws re'iuiriner bonds to be iriveii by any puhlio officials of this Stale, or any banks receiving on deposit moneys belonging to the people of a State, nor shall ii apply to the Treasurer of said Staie. o. This act shall take effect immediately. Po in the oritrinal.

Ptatb of New York, Office of the fecretary of State, sr. I have compared the preceding with the oritrinal law on file in this ofhee, ar.d do hereby certify that the same is a correct transcript therefrom and of the whole of said original law. FREDERICK COOK. Sccietai of State. LAWS OF NEW TOnK-uy Antnoniy.

Everv law, unless a different time Ehall be prescribed "therein, chall commence, and take effect thrt ugbout the State, on and Ot before the twentieth day after the li: te of its final passajre, as certified by the Secretary of state, tec 12, title A. enac 1, part 1. Revised Statutes. CHAP. AN ACT to provide for the construction of a liff-bridga over the 1 hamplaiu cauai, at Broad street, in the village and town of Waterford.

in Sarato-pa county, and making an appropriation therefor. Approved by the Governor May 17, 1SSS. Passed, three-fifths being present. Tlie Perle of tlie State of Ntw York, represented in Senate do enact Section 1. The Superintendent of Public Works is hereby authorized to construct or cause to be constructed and maintained, at the esrpense of tne State, a iift-bridire over the C'hampiain canal, at Jiroad street, in the village and town of VTatei lord, Saratoga county.

Said constructed, be operated at the expense of the town of Wa-terford, under the dlrectiou of the Superintendent of Public Works. Hie sum of ten thousand dollars or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated out of any money in the treasury otherwise appropriated, for the purpose of carrying out the provisions of this act, and the State 1 reaurer is directed to pay the above sum upon the warrantor the Couip! roller, to the order of the Superintendent of Public Works for the aforesaid purpose. No work shall bo done or money expended under the provisions of this act until a contract has been Jet tnerfor to the lowest responsible bidder by the Superintend' nt Works after due advertisem*nt thef'for. Thi act shall take effect immediacy. Stat OJ" New Yore.

Office ofthe Feeremry-of State, I have compared the precedios with the original law on file in this office, and do hereby certifly that the same is a correct transcript therefrom and of the whoie of said oritrinal law. FREDERICK COOK. Becrettry of State. IAWS OF NI5W TOItK By Antftorlty. Every law, nnlessa different time shall be prescribed therein, shall commence and take efiect tbroughoutthe State, on and not before the twentieth dr after the day of its final passage, as certified by tb Secretary of State.

Stc. 13, title 4, chan-1, Bartl, Bevisea Btatutes.J CHAP. SIT. A ACT to provide for the purchase and distribution of a chronological table of the statutes of the state. Approved by the Governor May IT, 1SS3.

Passed, three-tifths being present. 27) People the Sfnte. of Xew York, represented in Senate and -4sscmW-i, do enact cusfiAiows: Suction 1. The Secretary of Stare is hereby authorized and required to purchase and furnish to the Governor, for the use of the Executive Chan her, the Lieutenant-Governor, the Members of the Senate and Assembly, the Justices of the Supreme Court and county judges, ana the other bodies officials and departments, excepting town clerks who are now entitled by law to receive printed conies of the Session Laws, one set each, at su price as tbe Secretary of State may deem reasona ble not exceeding seven qoiiars per set. ot -a taoie chronologically arranged, ot tbe statutcx of tuo Slate of New York, amended, repealed, continued or otherwise rooditied or affected," prepared by Clarence b.

iiiroeye. 2. The sum of five thousand dollars; or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby appropriated lor the of tie paid by the Treasurer, on the warrant of tiie Comptroller, out of anv moneys in tl treasury not otr.crv. is ap ronriated. on vouchers to be approved by tne Secretary of State.

i This act shall take effect immediatelv. otatb OF New York. Office or tne secretary of State. 1 have compared the Preceoine with the original law os file in this office, and do hereby certify that the same is a c-rreet transcript I Herefrom and of the whe of said original two. necrtaar ui FIND iTTSold by ail diu-ists W.

WAUGH, Beta via, N. GSmXL' 1 tl Utrer.siecp bVt- ifc.fS'L JAp 1" tr, ata stroeger. eut i more and my food "Un-Hl iil tasted better. meter, and Jnpiter eighty-mns thousand miles in diameter, and that the smallest pearl on the beach of heaven is immense beyond ail imagination. all they who have toiled for Christ on earth shall riee up to a magnitude of boilness, and a magnitude of joy and the weakest Baint in glory become greater than ail that we can cow imagine of an archangel.

Brethren, it doth not yet appear what we shall be. Wisdom that shall know everything; wealth that shall everything; strength that 6hall do everything glory that shall circ*mscribe everything! We shall not be like a taper set in a sick man's wimlor, or a bundle of sticks kindled on the beach to warm a shivering crew; but you must tale the diameter and the circumference of the world if you would get any idea of the greatness of our estate when we shall shine as tLj stars for ever and ever. Lastly and coming to this point my mind almost breaks down under the contemplationlike the stars, all Christian workers shall shine in duration. The same stars that look down upon us looked down upon the Chaldean shepherds The meteor that 1 saw Hashing across thesky the other night, I wonder if it was not the same one that pointed down to where Jesus lay in the manger, and if, having pointed out His birthplace, it has ever since been wandering through the heavens, watching to see how the world would treat Him. AVhen Adam awoke in the garden in the cool of the day, he saw coming out through the dusk of the evening the same worlds that greeted us on cur way to church to-night In Independence Hall is an old cracked bell that sound the signature of the Declaration of Independence.

You cannot rinp it now but this great chime of silver bells that strike in the dome of night ring out with as sweet a tone as when God swung them at the creation. Look up at night, and know that the wbita lilies that bloom in all the hanging gardens of our King are century plants not blooming once in a hundred years, but through all the centuries. The star at which the mariner looks tonight was the light by which the ships of Tarshish were guided across the Mediterranean, and the Venetian flotilla found its way into Lepanto. Their armor is as bright tonight as when, in ancient battle, the stars in their courses fought against SiBera. To the ancients the stars were symbols of eternity.

But here the figure of my text breaks down not in defeat, but in the majesties of the judgment. The stars shall not shine forever. The Bible says they shall fall like autumal leaves. It is almost impossible for a man to take a courser going a mile in three minutes but God shall take in the worlds, flying a hundred thousand miles an hour, by one pull of his little finger. As, when the factory band slips at nightfall from the main wheel, all the smaller wheels slacken their speed, and with slower and slower motion they turn until tbey come to a full stop, so this great machinery of the unlverne, wheel within wheel, making revolution of appaling speed, shall by the touch of God's hand slip the bond cf present law anil slakeu and stop.

That is what will be the matter with the mountains. The chariots in which they ride shall halt so suddenly that the kings shall be thrown out. Star after star shall be carried out to burial amid funeral torches and burning worlds. Constellations shall throw ashes on their heads, and all up and down the highways of spice shall be mourning, mourning, mourning, because the worlds are dead. But the Christian workers shall never quit their thrones they shall reign for ever and ever.

If, by soma invasion from hell, the attempt were made to carry tttem off into captivity from Heaven, the souls they have saved would rally for their defense, and all the angels of God would strike with their sceptre, and the rede on white horses of victory, would ride down the foe, and ail the steep cf ths sky would resound with the crash of the overwhelirisd cohorts tumbled headlong out of heaven. The only Complexion Powder in the "World that Is without vulgarity, withoutMnjury to the user, and without doubt a beautifler is 3Jozzom's. EXTERNAL USE cf AK3 S0RENP55 Rssb-LTING FBCML A Abb the sHrrjBch well wiffr S(jJacabs Oil Apply Lvel steeped in na(Ee god wpuqg. ouf. COLD BY DRUCGIST3 AND DEALERS 1SUU Nt.forfl 4l SUV 1 A iLES BEAHAN, Administrator..

Democrat and Chronicle from Rochester, New York (2024)


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Author: Tish Haag

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Name: Tish Haag

Birthday: 1999-11-18

Address: 30256 Tara Expressway, Kutchburgh, VT 92892-0078

Phone: +4215847628708

Job: Internal Consulting Engineer

Hobby: Roller skating, Roller skating, Kayaking, Flying, Graffiti, Ghost hunting, scrapbook

Introduction: My name is Tish Haag, I am a excited, delightful, curious, beautiful, agreeable, enchanting, fancy person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.